Monday, 28 March 2016

TWONK Update - Mr Buck

Having been very disappointed with my TWONK nomination yesterday, I was more than happy to wear my new attire on the slopes. To my surprise someone actually asked which Primark store I purchased it from, clearly setting new trends. I did however manage to stay out of trouble today and only had one face plant to bring back to the world of TWONK.

There's were however several nominations for the TWONK today:

Rohan - acquiring the nickname of pizzeria for his outstanding snow plough technique and leaving Mr Thompson stranded on the ski lift.

Sam W - for getting tangled up like a fish in the safety netting on several occasions and for having the confidence to name a 'small' jump he successfully landed after himself (directly after a group of 4 year olds had also completed the 'very small' jump.

The winner of today's TWONK was Ethan Mckinder Surprise. The hills have definitely been alive with the sound of Ethan's screaming! The quicker he went, the louder he screamed and finally managed to perfect the stopping technique. This could have been enough on its own, but his constant moaning, persistent falling into nets and a very average bowling display really made it difficult to choose anyone today, top work Ethan.

If there was another staff nomination, Mr Cross would be winning this 'hands' down. 40 pupils and most of the staff managed to apply their suncream, but someone forgot theirs. A very red face and neck, slightly burnt arms and even more burnt hands really does make him look like a ski Brit abroad. He was also very quiet about his little fall today which one of the pupils luckily witnessed, unfortunately no photographic evidence. Taking a tumble off piste (there was no off piste where we were helping the not so beginner groups) he managed to get stuck and had to crawl back onto the slopes but did not care to share his fall with anyone until the pupil mentioned it. Finally, speaking from experience I know my fashion, but when a Year 11 pupil comes out in the same outfit as you it might be time to have a rethink of your wardrobe...

Thanks for having me as guest blogger, we're all having a great time and looking forward to another excellent days skiing tomorrow. Hopefully I will be good enough to keep up with the experts.

Wardrobe clash!

A proud twonk!

Mr Buck
TWONK Administrator
Zillertal arena travel and lift expert


  1. HaHa Ethan u need to lose that girly scream mate XX

  2. That's just made me think....
    Did Jaiden take his sunscreen??
    If not,make sure Jaiden you go and get some....
    I can see Jaiden bagging TWONK again.xx

  3. Ha ha perfect nick name for Rohan he loves his pizzas and snow ploughs ⛷⛷⛷⛷������������������

  4. Looks like you're all having a great time KC can't believe You haven't used sunscreen again !!

    1. It's awesome... Another scorcher... And yes I never learn ;-)

    2. Without you Mrs G
      Have fun in NYC x

  5. It looks like your all having a fab time. Mr C, I can't believe you didn't use sunscreen!
    Who created the kit list?? ;)
    Congratulations on being Twonk of the day Jaiden, Mr Buck and Ethan :) you have become a member of a select few :) who will be next??
    Keep having fun,
    Mrs Perry

  6. Evening All
    So need to see picture of Rosie, beginning to think she's ran away with an Austrian ski instuctor whose promised her, well promises !!!!
    If she's not coming home let me know, ticket for Sundays game not going to waste
    Big Love . Stay Safe
    Mummy El x
